I have rescued an unwanted love bird. Its partner died before I rescued this one; however, I amleaving Taipei and must find a home for it. It is green and red, with blue--very pretty. I do not know
whether it is female or male; it is very lively, healthy, and I am letting it fly around freely. It interacts
well with my other birds. If you have love birds, or like them, this one would be a good addition.
There is no problem with it, and it has been eating regular seeds, and does not need any special treatment.
I live in the Shilin area and can be contacted at: diamond_catherine@yahoo.com
我在這幾天救了一隻愛情鳥, 它的另一半以經死了,
我即將要離開台北, 需要幫這隻孤單的小鳥找個家,
它有綠 紅 藍相間的顏色 , 非常漂亮, 但我不確定它是公的還是母的,
我讓它在家到處飛, 它很健康活潑, 只要時常餵它, 不須要其它特別的照料, 它也跟我其它的小鳥相處的很好,
如果你喜歡愛情鳥,它會是你很好的夥伴. 或是你已經有愛情鳥了, 它會是它們更好的同伴.
我住在士林,聯絡方式 diamond_catherine@yahoo.com